21. September 2018

Here are a few sample commands to help you get a basic configuration of firewalld quickly and easily.
First we have to check if firewalld is installed on the system.

[root@sysonion]# systemctl status firewall
Unit firewalld.service could not be found.

So here we still need the installation, which we have to do now.

[root@sysonion]# yum install firewalld

After the installation the service can be started.
So that firewalld starts persistently even after a restart, we will still „enable“ the service.

[root@sysonion]# systemctl start firewalld.service
[root@sysonion]# systemctl enable firewalld.service

Create new zone and IP sources

[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --new-zone=novatec --permanent
#Set the the deafault Zone
[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=sysonion
#Add IP Sources to your zone
[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --zone=sysonion--add-source= --permanent

Add services to the zone

[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --zone=novatec --add-service=mdns --permanent
[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --zone=novatec --add-service=dns --permanent
#This 2 services are for DNS for example port 53
[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --zone=novatec --add-service=dhcp --permanent
[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --zone=novatec --add-service=ssh--permanent
[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --reload
#Reload is necessary

Add ports to the zone

[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --zone=novatec --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --zone=novatec --add-service=http --permanent

Further useful commands

[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
#What zones are active at the moment
[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --zone=novatec --list-all ( alle Infos für die aktivierte Zone anzeigen lassen)
#All information about the zone
[root@sysonion]#firewall-cmd --get-default-zone
#What is your default zone in the moment

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